News | 28 October 2015

Ruth Wilson Gilmore to speak at UC Santa Cruz on police and prisons



“America locks up too many people for too many offenses, jamming prisons, ruining families and running up steep taxpayer bills. That’s the party line on mass incarceration heard from social critics for years, but now it’s coming from a new chorus: police chiefs by the score.”

–San Francisco Chronicle, October 22, 2015

On November 9, the UC Presidential Chair in Feminist Critical Race and Ethnic Studies at UC Santa Cruz will examine the issue of police and prisons with a free public lecture by Ruth Wilson Gilmore.

The title of her talk is “Organized Abandonment & Organized Violence: Devolution & the Police.”

Feminist studies professor Bettina Aptheker, co–chair of the UC Presidential Chair with literature professor Karen Yamashita, explained why they decided to bring Gilmore to campus

“Several years ago, Ruth Wilson Gilmore wrote a timely and significant book, ‘Golden Gulag: Prisons, Surplus, Crisis, and Opposition in Globalizing California,’ published by the University of California Press,” said Aptheker.

“Gilmore, a well-known public intellectual, documents in this book the ways in which California embarked upon the largest prison-building project…

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