Fellows | 2 April 2013

Humanities in Circulation: Showcasing the UC Humanities Fellows


UCHRI-SOFMondo Nano. The Art of Parties. The Worlding of Marco Polo. The Smell of Petroleum. These are just a few of the projects that will be showcased at this year’s Society of Fellows meeting on April 19th at UCLA. The full program is now available on the UCHRI website.

The  Society of Fellows is a core component of the the UC Humanities Network, funded in 2009 by a 5-year grant from the UC Office of Research and Graduate Studies to incorporate and expand the original UC Humanities Initiative launched by then-President David Gardner in 1986.

The Society of Fellows brings together the President’s Faculty Research Fellowships in the Humanities, a cornerstone of the original 1986 initiative, with a new program of dissertation fellowships.  These competitively selected fellowships represent some of the most compelling research projects of faculty and graduate humanities scholars across the UC system.

To showcase this work, the Society of Fellows meets each spring at a different UC campus. This year UCLA will host the meeting, as well as the 25th anniversary celebration programming around the theme, “Humanities in Circulation.”

With the theme “Humanities in Circulation” we hope to convey the complexity and creativity of knowledge production and dissemination in the humanities and layering or collision of ideas, fields, texts, media, geographies, the mergings and morphings, influences and interpolations, consolidations and contestations within and across the humanities, between the humanities and the arts, the social sciences, natural and applied sciences.

This year’s Society of Fellows meeting is organized around three one-hour panels of faculty fellows interspersed with three breakout sessions for digital lightning presentations by the graduate fellows. This is not intended as an academic conference, requiring formal papers or presentations. Rather, it is an opportunity – both structured and informal – for the fellows and audience members to engage in a wide-ranging conversation about humanities research, the creative process, and the humanities in circulation both within and outside the university.

Hope to see you there!